2023 Resolution Announcement

Resolutions Announcement


Do you think we should change a government policy, take a stand concerning accessibility or an agency or service for the blind, commend an individual service or entity for exemplary service and support, or create new regulations? If you do, consider writing a resolution.


Resolutions passed by the convention are the statements of policy which determine the actions and direction of our organization for the following.
year. It is important that they receive serious attention.


Any member may sponsor a resolution. Resolution drafts must be submitted to the President or the Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee no later than (Friday, March 10,2023. Resolutions which receive favorable consideration by the committee will come to the convention for consideration and action.

Resolutions which don't receive favorable consideration by the committee will not come to the convention floor unless the sponsor wishes to have them considered despite the committee's decision.

No resolution will be considered by the committee unless there is a proponent of the resolution present at the committee meeting to explain the need for the resolution. This will usually be the author.


The Resolutions Committee may provide a limited amount of assistance in the drafting process, but resolutions must be essentially in final form when presented to the President or the Chairperson of the committee.


Barbara Loos of Lincoln is the Chairperson of this year's committee.

Her contact information is:

Address: 2742 Scott Ave., Lincoln, NE 68506
Land: (402) 486-3679

Mobile: (402) 430-1917,


The date, time, and meeting room for the first meeting of the Resolutions Committee at our State Convention in Lincoln will be listed in the program, which you will receive at registration. There may be other meetings of the committee throughout the convention if needed.