2006 NFBN State Conv Agenda


Marriot Hotel
Omaha, Nebraska

October 13, 14 and 15 2006

Transcribed Into Braille And Large Print
Jolene Boshart
J. B. Translations
5135 South Street
Lincoln, NE 68506
Phone (402) 483-5088

National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska
Amy Buresh, President
1033 O Street
Suite 24B
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 477-7711 or (866) 254-6347 (866 Blind Is)



I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of
the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to
support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its


The National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska is a statewide organization
composed primarily of blind Nebraskans. It is the state affiliate of the
National Federation of the Blind, Inc., a 50,000 plus strong
national-membership organization which holds nonprofit tax-exempt status
under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. It is not an
organization speaking for the blind; it is the blind speaking for

We know that blind people have very often lived tragic lives, and we know
that even now blindness can be defeating. But we also know why. Not
blindness, but society's devastating attitude about it constitutes our
burden. We, the blind of today, have carried out a revolution and have won
our independence. We have written our own philosophy, we have found our own
direction, and we have learned to speak with our own voice--the National
Federation of the Blind. We have taken our future into our own hands, and we
are changing what it means to be blind.



If you have any questions about convention arrangements, contact Carlos Serv`an, chair of Convention Arrangements.

Is it your first time attending a convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska? If so, we warmly welcome you and invite you to sign up with Ryan or Randi Strunk.  They are coordinating mentors for each of you to help make your rookie convention a sure fire home run.


A representative from Optelec will be on hand to provide hands on demonstrations of there equipment.  Demonstrations will take place on Friday from 2:30-6:30 P.M., Saturday 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 am and 12:00 -
2:00 P.M.
                                          DOOR PRIZES  

Shake 'em up!  You may be the lucky winner of a fabulous door prize.  Names will be drawn throughout the convention sessions and banquet.  To be eligible to win, you need only to be registered and to be present when your name is drawn.  All donations of door prizes should be clearly labeled in Braille and print and turned in to Jamie Forbis, Door Prize Chairperson.

NOTE: Please be courteous and turn off all cell phones, pagers, radios, mp3 players, etc. during convention meetings and the banquet.


Friday, October 13, 2006

1:00 to 5:00 P.M.: Registration: Hotel lobby, Mike Hansen, Chairperson, Member National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
 Registration Costs:
Registration: $10.
Banquet: $25.
Student Division Luncheon: $10. 

1:00 to 5:00 P.M.: Blindness Throughout Life: Salons A. and B., Robert Newman, Facilitator, Member National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska.

1:00 to 4:00 P.M.: Senior Division Meeting: Salons C. and D., Roy
Hobley, President, Senior Division, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska.

7:00 P.M.: National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Board of Directors Meeting: Salons A. B. and C.

7:45 P.M. Resolutions Committee: Salons A. B. and C. Ryan Strunk, Chairperson, 2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln Chapter, , Lincoln, Nebraska.

8:00 P.M. Nominating Committee, (closed meeting) Barbara Loos Chairperson, Member National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska.

8:30 P.M.: Not-So-Silent Auction: Nebraska A. and B. Auctioneers: Ryan Osentowski, Secretary National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska and Robert Newman, member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Omaha Chapter, Omaha, Nebraska. A cash bar and snacks will be available.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

7:30 to 8:30 A.M: Registration: Hotel Lobby: Mike Hansen, Chairperson, Member National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
 Registration Costs:
Registration: $10.
Banquet: $25.
Student Division Luncheon: $10. 

7:00 A.M.: National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Blind Parents Division: Salon E., Jamie Forbis, President, Lincoln, Nebraska

8:30 A.M.: Opening of General Session.

Call to Order: Amy Buresh, President, National
Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Invocation: Wes Majerus, Board Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska

8:40 A.M. Housekeeping, and Announcements: Carlos Serv`an, Chairperson, Convention arrangements, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska

8:45 A.M. Welcome, Bob Burns, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Omaha Chapter, Omaha Nebraska.  

9:00 A.M. National Report: Anil Lewis, National Representative; Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind; President, National
Federation of the Blind of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia

9:40 A.M.: State Report: Amy Buresh, President, National
Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

10:00 A.M.: The Honorable Lee Terry, United States Congressman, 2nd District, Omaha, Nebraska.

10:20 A.M.: Report from the Commission Board: Barbara Loos,
Chairperson, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Board of Commissioners, Lincoln, Nebraska

10:40 A.M.: Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Report/Public Forum: Pearl Van Zandt, PH.D., Executive Director, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Lincoln, Nebraska

11:00 A.M.: The Honorable Lowen Kruse , Nebraska Senator, District 13, Omaha, Nebraska.

11:20 A.M.: Nebraska Library Commission Talking Book and Braille
Service Report: Dave Oertli, Director, Lincoln, Nebraska.

11:45 A.M.: The Federation on the Move: Learning about, Marching toward  and Imagining the Future.
Youth Slam: Shane Buresh state coordinator, President National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.
National Federation of the Blind March for Independence: Ryan Osentowski, Secretary National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska and Barbra Loos, Member National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Imagination Fund: Carlos Serv`an, state coordinator, Member National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. 

12:00 P.M. : Adjourn Morning Session.

12:00 Noon to 2:00 P.M.: Student Division Luncheon. Salons D. and E., Randi
Strunk, President, Nebraska Association of Blind Students, Lincoln, Nebraska.  All are welcome, but especially any high school and college students are invited to attend this informative meeting.

2:00 P.M.: Opening of Afternoon General Session. Salons A. B. and C.

2:00 P.M. Excellence in Education of Blind Children
Doug Christensen, Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Lincoln, Nebraska and Matt Maurer, Ph.D., Professor of Instructional Technology, Butler University; Indianapolis, Indiana

3:15 P.M.: The Federation On the Move: Technology Collage: Wes Majerus, Board Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska, Jim Denham, Director of Software Solutions, Optelec US, Inc., Chicago Illinois and NCBVI Technology Team

4:15 P.M.: The Federation on the Move: Spreading the word in work and in entertainment: Barbara Loos, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, Bob Burns, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Omaha Chapter, Omaha, Nebraska and Brice Mellen, Student, Lincoln, Nebraska

4:30 P.M.: The Federation On the Move: In the Heart and Soul of Our Members: Why I Am A Federationist: Jamie K. Forbis, Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska

5:00 P.M.: Adjourn Afternoon Session.

6:30 P.M.: Cocktail Reception; Cash Bar: Pre-Dinner Music: Miss Stephanie J. Quiring, Hampton, Nebraska, Salons A. B. and C.

7:00 P.M.: Annual NFBN Banquet.

Emcee: Barbara Loos, Member, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Invocation: Darrell Walla, Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Omaha Chapter, Omaha,, Nebraska

Awards: Amy Buresh, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

Keynote Address: Anil Lewis, National Representative; Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind; President, National
Federation of the Blind of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia

Scholarships: Shane Buresh, NFBN
Scholarship Chairperson, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.

9:00 P.M.: Monte Carlo Night: Salons A. B. and C., Come Try Your Luck at the game tables or simply socialize with friends. All proceeds benefit Computer Options.
 A cash bar will be available. 

Sunday, October 15, 2006

9:00 A.M.: Opening of Business Meeting.

Invocation: Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer, National
Federation of the Blind of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.

I. Reports:

A. Minutes of the 2005 Convention.

B. Treasurer's Report.

C. Chapters and Divisions.

D. Committees.

E. NFB/Newsline®

F. Web Site

G. Resolutions.

II. Elections.

12:00 Noon: Adjourn.