2018 Convention Door Prize Letter

Friends and Supporters of the Blind:

    We are pleased to announce that our 47th Annual State Convention will take place this year at the Ramada Columbus and Rivers Edge Convention Center in Columbus Nebraska, October 5th, 6th and 7th, 2018.  The National Federation of the Blind is the oldest and largest organization of the blind in our country, with the widest and strongest voice in the affairs of the blind.  Our Nebraska Affiliate is honored to be a very vital and dedicated part of the organized blind people’s movement.

    Empowering the blind of Nebraska to live the life we want, we are the voice of the blind in our state and our mission is to provide for security, equality and opportunity for all blind persons, especially in the areas of social, political and economic integration into society.  Our method is public education and self-advocacy. We offer services including technical and moral support, mentoring, information and referral and employment projects that we operate in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor and the Nebraska Commission for the Blind.

    Our Convention each year is an opportunity for the blind and visually impaired of our state to come together for a common cause.  Much outreach, networking, sharing, and educating of self and others takes place.  Public service and other resources for the blind are presented, ideas exchanged, and plans and policies for the coming year are formulated.
   To make the Convention more fun, interesting and generally more successful, as a part of our program each year, we draw for a number of door prizes.  We are requesting of our friends and supporters in the business community to provide items for this purpose.  It is a great way to publicize your business and add some fun to our business meeting. 

    Any donation you can make not only will be deeply appreciated, but also may be deducted from your taxes, as we are a tax exempt, non-profit organization.  If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact Amy Buresh, President, at (402) 477-7711 or by sending an email to president@ne.nfb.org.

    Thanks again for your kind consideration and your gift of door prizes.


Amy R. Buresh, President
National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska