1981 NFBN Convention Agenda

Friday, Octover 30th
2nd Annual JOB Applicant Seminar

Saturday, October 31st

9:00: Welcome, by hank Vetter, Omaha NFB chairman,
9:05: Welcome from the Mayor's office.
9:10: Convention Arrangements.
9:15: Dick Parker, Director, Radio Talking Book.
9:30: Representative from the nebraska Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
9:50: Period for questions adn comments.
10:15: Dr. Nyman, Director, nebraska Services for the Visually Impaired.
10:45: John W. Smith, Advisory Committee Report.
11:00: Marc Maurer, National Report
11:45: Nominating Committee Business.
12:00 noon: Student Alumni Luncheon.

1:30: "Recourse for Discrimination," a panel discussion.
2:15: Period for questions and comments.
2:30: Parental Concerns in Nebraska City, a panel discussion.
3:00: Period for questions and comments.
3:15: National, State and Local Fundraising Reports.
4:00: Chapter Reports.
4:30: Committee Reports.
5:00: Adjournment.
6:30: Social hour.
7:30: Banquet, with keynote address by Marc Maurer
After the banquet, there will be a hospitality room.

Sunday, November 1st

7:00: Student Division Breakfast (with business meeting, election of officers adn raffle).
8:30: Devotions, led by John W. Smith.
9:00: "The Scope and Strength of the Federation: Rick Ritchie Vs. Iowa Western College."
9:30: "roller skating: doty vs. holiday north Skating Rink."
10:00: State Presidential Report, by James Walker
10:15: Secretary's Report, by Jane Doty.
10:25: Treasurer's Report, by Cheryl Livingston.
10:35: Resolutions.
10:45: nominating Committee Report and Elections.
11:15: new business.
12:00 noon: Adjournment.

1:30 (approximately): State Board Meeting.